How To Use Work Zone Equipment To Guide Motorists And Protect Workers

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When work must take place on a road where hundreds of cars are passing by each hour, using work zone equipment is necessary. You need to know how to use the equipment to safely guide motorists while protecting all the contractors who are out on the road to complete assigned construction tasks. 

Use an Electronic Message Board to Provide Motorists With Updated Alerts

The electronic message board is big and bright enough to provide motorists with an instant alert on road work and lane changes. You can provide updated information on the board to make sure motorists know if there are lane changes up ahead or if there is ongoing work taking place that would require them to take various detours to get to their destinations. Place the electronic message board at least a mile ahead of where the workers are completing different construction tasks to give the motorists time to make any necessary changes while they are driving.

Place Water Wall Barriers in a Row on the Side of the Road Where Construction is Going On

Protect the contractors who are handling work on the side of the road by placing water wall barriers that would separate them and the vehicles that are passing by them while driving on the road. The wall barriers are much bulkier and more massive than traditional traffic cones, which means they can provide an extra level of safety to the contractors who are working hard to complete their work while dealing with potential risks and dangers. It is also easier for motorists to see the barriers because of their size and distinct color.

Use Different Work Zone Signs to Direct the Traffic

Along with setting up an electronic message board at least a mile ahead of the work zone and using wall barriers full of water to separate motorists from the workers, you might also need to use a few other work zone signs to help with directing traffic. These signs may say some of the following essential details:

  • Speed Limit for the Work Zone Area
  • Road Work in (Exact Number) Miles
  • Approaching a Construction Zone
  • Lane Closed

Choose the signs that you might need to have to protect the workers while they are handling the workload.

Work zone equipment helps with guiding motorists and protecting the contractors while they are working. You can use many types of equipment for the work area, including electronic message boards, water wall barriers, and dozens of signs.

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In a Builder's Words Construction workers and contractors do many different kinds of work, but most of that work is related to building. Some contractors build buildings directly. Others have more supplemental roles, such as installing the plumbing. Those supplemental roles are just as important. After all, what is a building without plumbing or heat? While we are not contractors ourselves, we are people who have a deep knowledge of this industry. We've worked with contractors, and we've also researched this field to the point where we can say with confidence that the material on this website is reliable and accurate. If you're at all interesting in construction and contract work, we advise you to read what we have to say.

