Commercial Rolling Shutters Protect Your Shop From Intruders, Vandals, And Storms

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Security is important for your small shop. Vandals or thieves could put you out of business if they cause enough damage. One way to protect your shop is to have rolling shutters put over your windows and glass entry door. Here's how these shutters make your building more secure.

Rolling Shutters Block Window Access

When you lower the shutters at night, all the exterior glass on your building is protected. This keeps intruders from smashing through windows to rob your store. The rolling shutters are mounted on the outside of your building so they cover your glass door and windows completely.

You can also lower the shutters during the day when the weather is threatening so flying debris doesn't smash a window. Commercial rolling shutters protect against intruders and storms. Even though you may have insurance to help pay for repairs, it's still a good practice to protect your windows when possible so the glass stays intact. When windows get blown out or knocked out, the risk of damage to the inside of your shop escalates, and shutters can prevent this from happening.

Commercial Shutters Are Strong

Rolling shutters are usually made of metal, so they're strong enough to withstand abuse. It's difficult to break through the metal, so shutters offer the security your shop needs. If you opt for aluminum rolling shutters, they might dent if your building is bumped by a vehicle, and a commercial rolling shutter service can repair or replace the shutters if needed. However, under normal use, the shutters should last a long time due to their strength and durability.

Rolling Shutters Are Out Of The Way When Open

A benefit of rolling shutters is that you can open them during business hours so they don't block the view inside your store. The shutters roll into a box that's mounted above the door or window so they are out of sight. This is a more attractive option than mounting bars on the windows that are always visible. Plus, bars can give your shop an unwelcoming feel.

You can open and close the shutters as the need arises, and operating them is easy. Options include a hand crank, remote, and even WiFi so you can close the shutters when away from the shop.

When you want peace of mind your shop is secure when you're away but you want an attractive option on your storefront, rolling shutters could be the right choice. A commercial rolling shutter service, such as Nevada Rolling Shutter Inc., can help you choose the right shutters for your shop, install them, and maintain them when needed so you can keep your shop safe from criminals and storms.

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